

2024 年 12 月




Salesforce VisualForce 使用apex:actionFunction调用后台方法

<apex:inputHidden id="flag" value="{!flag}"/> <apex:actionFunction action="{!searchCon}" name="searchCon1" oncomplete="return savemessage()" reRender="form1"> <apex:param name="uname" assignto="{!username}" value=""/> <apex:param name="pword" assignto="{!password}" value=""/> </apex:actionFunction>  function savemessage()  {                if(document.getElementById("page:form1:flag").value == "false"){                 alert("用户名密码错误...

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Filter Picklist Values Based on Record Type in Lightning

Filter Picklist Values Based on Record Type in Lightning  October 3, 2018  Rajat Koradiya Filter Picklist Values Based on Record Type Retrieving a picklist value based on record type is possible in VF page using standard controller In lightning, Salesforce UI API supports a functionality to filter a picklist value based on record type based on this idea You can download the code from Here   Use Case:  I have picklist values based on Record Type defined as bel...

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How to Call Salesforce API from Lightning Component

You may have heard about that we can not make the Salesforce API Call directly from the lightning component. If you do make the callout from the lightning component then you will get the below error INVALID_SESSION_ID:This session is not valid for use with the API. For Example when you will execute the below code from the Developer Console then you will get the Valid Response 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 HTTP h = new HTTP(); HTTPRequest req = new HTTPRequest(); HttpRes...

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salesforce lightning icon

<lightning:card title="{!v.headerTitle}" iconName="standard:related_list" class="title"> <aura:set attribute="actions"> <lightning:button class="slds-float_right slds-m-bottom_xx-small slds-m-right_small" variant="brand" label="New Form Link" title="New Form Link" onclick="{!c.CreateNewFormLink}" /> <ui:inputSelect label="Filter By: " value="{!v.filterLob}" change="{!c.filterDataTable}"> <option value="--None--">--None--</option> <opt...

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apex highlight userDefineLang for notepad++

apex userDefineLang for notepad++ 下载: userDefineLang  

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详解 Salesforce 15 和 18 位的ID

在 Salesforce 中 Record (记录) ID 是非常重要的,它代表了一条唯一的数据,在做数据操作的时候是离不开 ID 的,这次给大家详细介绍一下 Record ID。 Record ID 的构成 Record ID 是一个 base-62 编码的字符串。ID 中的字符可以是 a-z, A-Z 和 0-9 中 62 个字符任意一个。正常情况下是 15 位,每个位置有不同意义的: 前 3 位: Key Prefix,它可以代表一个 Object,也就是说如果你拿到一个 ID,通过前三位就可以判断这条数据是存在哪个 Object 上的。 4-5 和 6 都是 Salesforce 保留值,可以判断这个 ID 属于...

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Salesforce Test class注意事项

在 Salesforce 中开发,Test Method 肯定是少不了的,因为在部署的时候 Production 是要求测试代码的整体覆盖率是不能小于 75% 的,而且 Trigger 是不能没有对应的测试代码的。测试代码的作用是什么,既然必须要写测试代码, 怎么才能让测试代码发挥它应该拥有的价值?这里给大家提供一些写测试代码的基本原则和注意的知识点。 4 Goals 1. Positive Behavior(测试正确行为) 写测试代码首先验证一下的正确逻辑,尽量保证把所有的业务逻辑的代码覆盖到。比如代码里有 try catch 的话,Postitive 就是需要先把 tr...

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salesforce Milestone clock is not running

0down voteaccepted I was able to find out what is the issue is. Actually all my milestone are currently using US Business hour and in that business hour there I have not given any time for the weekends, so today is Saturday and thats why milestones time is not showing. So issues at all.

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salesforce apex traced the number of query

System.debug('Current Query number:'+ Limits.getQueries())

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salesforce执行apex job的两种方法

方法一,立即执行: YourScheduleApexClass s=new YourScheduleApexClass(); s.excute(null) ; 方法二:定时执行 SchedulerClassName  sch = new SchedulerClassName(); String cronExpression = '0 30 8 1 * * ';   // 8:30am every 1st day of the month System.schedule('EVP Dashboard', cronExpression, sch);

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