

2024 年 4 月




salesforce antscript无法拉取完整的profile

拉取其它,如object需要把obj列出来,如下: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Package xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">   <types>         <members>Api_GetCustomerInfo</members>          <name>ApexClass</name>     </types>      <types>         <members>Account</members>         <name>CustomObject</name>     </types>     <types>         <members>XXXProfile<...

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salesforce lightning report取URL参数

in classic , we know use pv0,pv1,pv2,pv3... but in lightning , we use fv0,fv1,fv2...  

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salesforce test class用现有数据测试

salesforce test class用现有数据测试,只需要 加上:SeeAllData='true' @isTest(SeeAllData='true')  

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salesforce report get url parameters

Passing report filters as query params to Salesforce reports ! Today, I stumbled across an interesting problem, where one needs to “Run a report by passing parameters through link or button click” Their is no direct way visible in report configuration screen for the same. So I scanned salesforce developer boards for the same, and found this solution that worked perfectly for me, thanks “mikef” for sharing this solution(can’t find your twitter profile ). Using the same ...

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salesforce display trigger error

trigger test on Account(before insert){     trigger.new[0].name.addError('Nice try'); }

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首先,我们要设置一下,否则你是无论怎么怼,你都收不到任何邮件: Have a look under Setup > Email Administration > Deliverability. Newly created sandboxes have the default email deliverability set to "System email only." The options are: No access: Prevents all outbound email to and from users. System email only: Allows only automatically generated emails, such as new user and password reset emails. All email: Allows all types of outbound email. Default for new, non-sa...

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salesforce Metadata Types

Metadata Type Allows Wildcard (*)? Description AccountSettings Not Applicable Represents an organization’s account settings for account teams, account owner report, and the View Hierarchy link. ActionLinkGroupTemplate Yes Represents the action link group template. Action link templates let you reuse action link definitions and package and distribute action links. An action link is a button on a feed element. Clicking on an action link can take a user to another We...

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salseforce apex调用salesforce soap api

salseforce apex调用salesforce soap api 我们不断需要从Salesforce沙盒向Salesforce生产环境移动一些配置相关的数据。 终端用户不喜欢使用数据加载程序,需要Salesforce中的一些简单方法来将数据从Salesforce沙盒移动到Salesforce生产环境。 public class API_InsertHolidayRecords {              static string outCallResult;        static string sessionID;        static string userName = 'xxxxx@xx.com';          static string password = 'xxxxxxx';                      static string bodyToS...

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salesforce Schedule Jobs用法

salesforce Schedule Jobs用法 global class deleteANSMessageJob  implements Schedulable {             //Execute method       global void execute (SchedulableContext SC) {           DateTime recordDate = DateTime.now().date();            //recordDate = recordDate.addMonths(-2);           List<ANS_Message_Repository__c> messages = [select Id from ANS_Message_Repository__c where LastModifiedDate  <:recordDate ];           integer count = messages.size();           de...

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salesforce Custom Settings简单使用

前言 Custom Settings创建类似于Custom Object,但是两者用法上有一些区别:Custom Setting可以通过条件配置来区分特定的用户,或者Profile。 所有Custom Settings数据都暴露在应用程序缓存中,这使得无需反复查询数据库的成本就能够高效访问。然后,这些数据可以在formula fields, validation rules, flows, Apex, and the SOAP API使用。 Custom Settings可以应用到很多场景,因为可以通过特定用户和Profile进行配置,所以设置白名单或者相反的功能很容易,除此之外还可以应用到其他场景,根据他的功能自行来使用...

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