- //PHP缓存类
- <?php
- class Cache {
- private $cache_path;//path for the cache
- private $cache_expire;//seconds that the cache expires
- //cache constructor, optional expiring time and cache path
- public function Cache($exp_time=3600,$path="cache/"){
- $this->cache_expire=$exp_time;
- $this->cache_path=$path;
- }
- //returns the filename for the cache
- private function fileName($key){
- return $this->cache_path.md5($key);
- }
- //creates new cache files with the given data, $key== name of the cache, data the info/values to store
- public function put($key, $data){
- $values = serialize($data);
- $filename = $this->fileName($key);
- $file = fopen($filename, 'w');
- if ($file){//able to create the file
- fwrite($file, $values);
- fclose($file);
- }
- else return false;
- }
- //returns cache for the given key
- public function get($key){
- $filename = $this->fileName($key);
- if (!file_exists($filename) || !is_readable($filename)){//can't read the cache
- return false;
- }
- if ( time() < (filemtime($filename) + $this->cache_expire) ) {//cache for the key not expired
- $file = fopen($filename, "r");// read data file
- if ($file){//able to open the file
- $data = fread($file, filesize($filename));
- fclose($file);
- return unserialize($data);//return the values
- }
- else return false;
- }
- else return false;//was expired you need to create new
- }
- }
- ?>
- 使用说明:
- 1、实例化
- $cache = new Cache();
- 2、设置缓存时间和缓存目录
- $cache = new Cache(60, '/any_other_path/');
- 第一个参数是缓存秒数,第二个参数是缓存路径,根据需要配置。
- 默认情况下,缓存时间是 3600 秒,缓存目录是 cache/
- 3、读取缓存
- $value = $cache->get('data_key');
- 4、写入缓存
- $value = $cache->put('data_key', 'data_value');
- 完整实例:
- $cache = new Cache();
- //从缓存从读取键值 $key 的数据
- $values = $cache->get($key);
- //如果没有缓存数据
- if ($values == false) {
- //insert code here...
- //写入键值 $key 的数据
- $cache->put($key, $values);
- } else {
- //insert code here...
- }
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