解决.NET Blazor子组件不刷新问题
@code { [Parameter] public int filterOfficeId { get; set; } = 0; protected override Task OnParametersSetAsync() { this.pageIndex = 1; onSearch(); return base.OnParametersSetAsync(); }
<Button Size="small" @onclick="() => showRooms(context.Title,context.Id)">管理</Button> <Modal Visible="roomPopup" Width="1200" MaskClosable="false" Title="@("【"+officeTitle+"】")" OnCancel="onClose" Footer="null"> <Room filterOfficeId="@officeId"></Room> </Modal> @code { private bool roomPopup { get; set; } = false; private int officeId { get; set; } = 0; void showRooms(string title, int id) { officeId = id; roomPopup = true; } }
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