使用html5-qrcode 扫描二维码(vue3)
/* Your code... */ <script> import { Html5Qrcode } from "html5-qrcode"; export default { name: 'HelloWorld', props: { msg: String }, mounted(){ console.log('hello...'); this.getCameras(); }, methods:{ getCameras() { Html5Qrcode.getCameras() .then((devices) => { /** * devices would be an array of objects of type: * { id: "id", label: "label" } */ //alert(JSON.stringify(devices)); if (devices && devices.length) { this.cameraId = ''; for(let device of devices) { if(device.label.toLowerCase().indexOf('back')>-1){ this.cameraId = device.id; } } if(!this.cameraId){ this.cameraId = devices[0].id; } } this.devices = devices; this.start(); // .. use this to start scanning. }) .catch((err) => { // handle err console.log(err); // 获取设备信息失败 }); }, start() { const html5QrCode = new Html5Qrcode("reader"); html5QrCode .start( this.cameraId, // retreived in the previous step. { fps: 10, // sets the framerate to 10 frame per second qrbox: { width: 250, height: 250 }, // sets only 250 X 250 region of viewfinder to // scannable, rest shaded. }, (decodedText, decodedResult) => { // do something when code is read. For example: // if (qrCodeMessage) { // this.getCode(qrCodeMessage); // this.stop(); // } console.log(decodedText); console.log(decodedResult); alert(decodedText); }, (errorMessage) => { // parse error, ideally ignore it. For example: // console.log(`QR Code no longer in front of camera.`); console.log(errorMessage); } ) .catch((err) => { // Start failed, handle it. For example, console.log(`Unable to start scanning, error: ${err}`); }); }, stop() { this.html5QrCode .stop() .then((ignore) => { // QR Code scanning is stopped. console.log("QR Code scanning stopped."); }) .catch((err) => { // Stop failed, handle it. console.log("Unable to stop scanning."); }); }, } } </script>
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