- using System.Collections;
- using System;
- using static System.Console;
- //简易区块链
- namespace test
- {
- //区块
- public class Block
- {
- //基本属性:上一个区块的Hash值,交易信息,Nonce变量,当前区块的Hash
- private int previousBlockHashCode;
- private string transactionInfo;
- private string nonce;
- private int blockHashCode;
- //构造函数
- public Block()
- {
- transactionInfo = "the Creation";
- previousBlockHashCode = 0;
- blockHashCode = 0;
- }
- public Block(string tranInfo,int previousBlockHash)
- {
- transactionInfo = tranInfo;
- previousBlockHashCode = previousBlockHash;
- }
- //重载GetHashCode函数
- public override int GetHashCode()
- {
- nonce = DateTime.Now.ToFileTimeUtc().ToString() + transactionInfo + previousBlockHashCode;
- return nonce.GetHashCode();
- }
- public int BlockHashCode
- {
- get { return blockHashCode; }
- set { blockHashCode = value; }
- }
- public string TransactionInfo
- {
- get { return transactionInfo; }
- }
- public int PreviousBlockHashCode
- {
- get { return previousBlockHashCode; }
- }
- public string Nonce
- {
- get { return nonce; }
- }
- }
- //区块链
- public class Chain: DictionaryBase
- {
- //重载添加方法
- public void Add(Block newBlock)
- {
- Dictionary.Add(newBlock.BlockHashCode, newBlock);
- }
- public Chain()
- {
- WriteLine("Create a BlockChain.");
- this.Add(new Block());
- }
- //文字索引
- public Block this[int hash]
- {
- get { return (Block)Dictionary[hash]; }
- }
- //通过Hash遍历输出区块链
- public void GetChainInfo(Block nowBlock)
- {
- WriteLine("\n\nPut out the BlockChain: ");
- Block p = nowBlock;
- do
- {
- WriteLine(p.TransactionInfo);
- p = this[p.PreviousBlockHashCode];
- } while (p.BlockHashCode != 0);
- WriteLine(p.TransactionInfo);
- }
- }
- //广播当前Hash
- public class Broadcast
- {
- public static int hashNow;
- }
- //挖矿
- public class Mining
- {
- //获得Hash值
- public static void GetHash(Block b)
- {
- WriteLine("Wait...");
- int hash;
- while (true)
- {
- hash = b.GetHashCode();
- int remainder = hash % 50;//难度设置
- if (remainder == 22)
- {
- WriteLine("Mining succeed.");
- break;
- }
- }
- Broadcast.hashNow = hash;
- b.BlockHashCode = hash;
- }
- //挖矿程序
- public static void Mine(Chain chain,Block block)
- {
- WriteLine("Start to get HashCode.");
- GetHash(block);
- chain.Add(block);
- }
- }
- class Program
- {
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- Block testBlock = new Block("transaction no.1", 0);
- Chain testChain = new Chain();
- Mining.Mine(testChain, testBlock);
- testChain.GetChainInfo(testBlock);
- }
- }
- }
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