Lightning Components Demo
A component that provides a concrete type-specific input component implementation based on the data to which it is bound. Represents an input field that corresponds to a field on a Salesforce object. This component respects the attributes of the associated field. For example, if the component is a number field with 2 decimal places, then the default input value contains the same number of decimal places. It loads the input field according to the field type. If the compone...
找不到Lightning Component Tabs
参考地址: Lightning Component Tabs Lightning component tabs make Lightning components available in the Salesforce mobile app (via the navigation list) or in Lightning Experience. Lightning components aren’t supported in Salesforce Classic. Note To expose Lightning components via Lightning component tabs, you must enable and deploy My Domain. 大意就是, 1.lightning不支持Sal...
salesforce REST services demo
@RestResource(urlMapping='/Cases/*') global with sharing class CaseManager { @HttpGet global static Case getCaseById() { RestRequest req = RestContext.request; String caseId = req.requestURI.substring(req.requestURI.lastIndexOf('/')+1); Case result = [SELECT CaseNumber, Subject, Status, Origin, Priority FROM Case WHERE Id = :caseId]; return result; } /* H...
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